Monday, 5 August 2019

Town mouse and pantry mouse

😭😢🐭🐁 My most horrendous week - March 2019...

I walked into the pantry on the Saturday night and as I switched on the light something skittered past me on the worktop so I ran for my life 🤣

Drummed up some courage and poked about with the end of a brush handle.  Took quite a while but then I saw the little beast.  Phoned Grant - he was on his way back to work after having only been home for a wee visit for an hour.  Phoned Dad - he was out at a party.  Told me to whack it if I see it and to lay out traps (our plinth drawers had signs of a mouse last year but we sealed up the holes and no sign since but the traps were here for me to use)

Made sure everyone in the house knew not to use the pantry and managed to sleep on and off that night dreaming of wee moosies.

Next day was Mother's Day and we lost an hour's sleep with the clocks going back - thanks for that!  Who decided to have Mothers Day that day?!  The cake and chocolate from the traps were gone but no mice were caught - just feeding the mouse making him feel welcome 🙄

That night I woke up from a dream/nightmare about mice and freaked out I could hear little feet on my bed.  I continued to hear little feet...then a bag I had in my room rustling.  Took a long time of listening and poking about my room but I eventually seen the little nightmare.  I was so freaked out I sat crying on my bed with the attic hatch stick amd a couple of walking sticks in case it jumped out at me 😥

Got the teenager up and asked him to help.  He sat with me for a while and it kept running out from under my bed when we sat quietly but Finlay got bored and told me just to go to sleep.  Haha great parenting,

I lay with my weapons for a long time and eventually my little friend wandered out and into the lobby.  Finlay heard me chasing it so he came out of his room and Eliza woke up too.  It jumped down the stairs to the landing then the next set of stairs and zipped under the livingroom door.  In there I sealed us all in and we chased it for an hour.  At one point it ran up the lining of the curtain and we could touch it through the fabric.  I didnt want to whack it anyway but definitely not in my cream curtains :O Tried to shake it out into garden through the window but no luck.  After that we lost him so we called it quits and went back to bed but sealed the door up with brown parcel tape.

In the morning I checked and he was still living it up in my livingroom so I left him there and phoned the exterminator aka My Dad - Grandad Ian.  He dealt with it (using a toy saw 🤣).  It had climbed into my couch and eaten a button!  I was really hoping that was the end of it but my Dad had me terrified there would be a whole family of them living here so I went through to the pantry and after poking about for a good while I caught sight of another one!  Grandad Ian to the rescue again please📱!

Door resealed ⛔

It went into hiding again so it took quite a while of Dad going through the pantry piece by piece but eventually he got him with the handy toy saw again 🤣 Must have been gluten free it had been eating my GF flour poor coeliac mousie 🍞

I was petrified for weeks after that.  There was signs of another one and Finlay saw it run under the fridge.  All the doors got sealed and every hole we could find has now been blocked up - including the one under the fridge that one had obviously been gaining entry through.  It is now August and I am still terrified to go to the pantry or reach in for anything so I poke around first.  Also don't like that I have to stand in the dark bedroom trying to get the baby back to sleep wondering if a mouse will run over my feet 🐁We sat out with the fire pit on the other night and I could hear something rustling in the bushes.  They are pretty cute but I have now got a real fear of blooming mice!  Fingers crossed they got the message and don't bother coming back here although with all the moths I have now I could prpbably do with a mouse to sniff out where they are coming from.  Absolutely petrified to find a seething moth nest in my wardrobe so I poke about in there to get my clothes out too 🙄

Everyone always says they are more scared of you than you are of them....I don't think that can possibly be true.

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